Call for Papers: International Symposium: Defining the Museum of the 21st Century

Call for Papers: International Symposium Defining the Museum of the 21st Century. 25 November 2017 St Andrews, Scotland in collaboration with ICOFOM - International Committee for Museology.

We envisage the conference consisting of Round Table discussions covering the above points, as well as individual papers. Therefore, please send a proposal for a Round Table discussion of maximum 300 words, together with a list of proposed core participants and short biographies of maximum 100 words each to: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. by 14 July 2017.

Alternatvely, please send proposals of maximum 300 words for papers of 20 minutes, together with a short biography of maximum 100 words to: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. by 14 July 2017.

Defining the Museum of the 21st Century is organised by Museum and Galleries Studies staff at University of St Andrews, Dr Karen Brown, Ann Gunn, Nicôle Meehan, Dr Ulrike Weiss and Jamie Allan Brown.

Please download pdf below for further information.


Simbdea, società italiana per la museografia e i beni demoetnoantropologici.

c/o Museo internazionale delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino
Piazzetta Antonio Pasqualino 5 - 90133 Palermo

CF: 03251180406

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